This is a weekly digest of news about investment and business development in Ukraine from the UkraineInvest team

Ukraine will receive funding from Korea to develop innovative economic projects.
According to the agreements, Ukraine has the right to attract long-term loans at low interest rates from the Export-Import Bank of Korea through the Fund for Economic Cooperation and Development.

IBM invests in smart technologies in Kharkiv.
International Business Machines Corporation will invest USD 200 thousand. USD in the development of digital technologies for the Kharkiv Smart City project. The investment agreements were reached during the Kharkiv: Restart investment forum.

The EBRD will provide up to EUR 50,000 to entrepreneurs creating eco-innovations and climate technologies.
Under the Climate Innovation Vouchers grant competition, Ukrainian entrepreneurs can receive up to EUR 50,000 to develop or implement technologies that reduce greenhouse gas emissions and increase energy efficiency.

Ukraine has launched an IT coalition with 6 European countries.
The main outcome of the IT coalition is to create a unified digital ecosystem for combat management and defence resource management for the Ukrainian Defence Forces.

The CEO of UkraineInvest presented the benefits of investing in Ukraine to the American investment community in Washington, DC.
This took place within the framework of the conference Doing Business in Ukraine: The Role of the Private Sector in Economic Transformation. The event was organised by CSIS | Centre for Strategic & International Studies with the support of UkraineInvest.

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