The President of Ukraine signed Law of Ukraine №8138 aimed at improving the current regulation of state support for large investment projects

The threshold for financing projects has been lowered and the scope of implementation has been expanded. 

This will increase opportunities for the development of not only large but also medium-sized businesses in Ukraine.

The law provides, in particular

– reducing the investment requirements from EUR 20 mln to EUR 12 mln
– allowing up to 30% of investments to be made 18 months prior to the conclusion of a special investment agreement
– identification of new investment objects, including non-current assets and fees for connection to heat, gas, water and electricity supply networks and engineering communications
– new forms of state support in the form of compensation for the cost of constructed adjacent infrastructure, costs of connection to engineering and transport networks and exemption from compensation for forestry production losses
– expanding the scope of project implementation, in particular, in the field of electronic communications and the production of bioethanol, which is intended to be used as a fuel component
– reducing the number of jobs to be created during the implementation of an investment project

The current version of the Law is based on proposals developed by the UkraineInvest team and the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine in consultation with leading business associations and potential investors. Thanks to the proposed changes, more companies will be able to take advantage of state support for investors.

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