Large international companies are betting on Ukraine’s future

Among those who have announced investment plans are Arcelor Mittal, Nestlé and Bayer.

UkraineInvest CEO Sergiy Tsivkach said this in an interview with Wired Italia.

“Foreign direct investment exceeded five hundred mln US dollars in the first quarter of 2023 alone. Let’s try to calculate, at least partially: the metallurgical group Arcelor Mittal (USD 120 mln in 2022, USD 130 mln in 2023), food giant Nestlé (EUR 40.5 mln), Carslberg (EUR 40 mln), and Bayer (EUR 60 mln). The construction materials sector is also showing positive dynamics. After the end of the war, we expect investments to increase ten to twenty times,” said UkraineInvest’s Executive Director.

Sergiy Tsivkach also stressed that UkraineInvest provides answers to all possible questions that investors may have in the current environment and guarantees support and assistance to entrepreneurs wishing to do business in Ukraine.

The full text is available here.

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