Sergiy Tsivkach: Ukraine is attractive to investors

Even in the new realities, UkraineInvest’s active investment projects include 32 projects worth more than USD 2.4 bln.

Companies supported by the Institution that have invested in Ukraine recently:
ー Kingspan Group (USD 300 mln)
ー Bayer (USD 60 mln)
ー Cersanit (USD 20 mln)

However, it is important for domestic business to understand that international investors need to come up with specific proposals and a carefully developed feasibility study. 

The CEO of UkraineInvest said this on 1+1 TV channel as part of a telethon.  

Sergiy Tsivkach told how Ukraine has progressed in attracting investment over the past six months, which sectors of the economy are currently attracting investor interest, what work is being done to develop mechanisms for insuring military risks, whether there are prospects for investment in Ukraine’s defence industry, etc.

Watch the video for more details. 

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