The foreign citizens are no longer banned from entering Ukraine

On 12 June 2020, the Government of Ukraine started easing coronavirus-related travel restrictions.

Following the adoption of the Cabinet of Ministers’ Resolution No. 477, foreign citizens are no longer banned from entering Ukraine starting from 13 June 2020.

❗️Ukrainian borders are now open to foreign travelers holding a health insurance certificate covering any COVID-19 treatment and medical observation expanses. Lack of the respective certificate shall be considered a ground to deny entry into Ukrainian territory.

The latter requirement does not apply to non-Ukrainians holding a Ukrainian permanent residence permit, who may enter Ukraine without a health insurance certificate.

☝️Those foreign citizens traveling to Ukraine from or holding citizenship of the countries with a high number of confirmed coronavirus cases (so-called “red zone”) can be put under medical observation by Ukrainian authorities (the list of “red zone” countries as designated by Ukraine’s Ministry of Health can be accessed here).

☝️The latter does not apply to holders of so-called “red zone” countries citizenship if they have not been to the respective countries for 14 days prior to the date of the intended crossing of the Ukrainian border and there are no grounds to believe that they have recently contacted a coronavirus-infected person.

📍Ukrainian border may be crossed only at a limited number of recently reopened border checkpoints, which inter alia include the checkpoints located in all major airports of Ukraine (an interactive map indicating respective checkpoints can be accessed here – an updated version is available in Ukrainian).

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