Attracting investment to the regions with the support of UkraineInvest

The UkraineInvest team is deepening communication with the regions, developing cooperation in finding investment projects and attracting investors to implement them. We work not only with the West but also with the East. 

Amalgamated territorial communities now have more opportunities to become full-fledged players with the potential to improve the investment climate in their region. To do so, ATCs need practical mechanisms for formulating investment proposals. 

That is why, in continuation of the initiative to create a regional investment product, UkraineInvest experts held a webinar for ATCs of Chernihiv, Sumy and Kharkiv regions. 

The webinar outlined the algorithm of interaction between the regions and UkraineInvest. 

Thus, UkraineInvest can provide:
– training for ATCs
– advice on doing business in Ukraine (legal, tax, financial, etc.)
– advising on obtaining investment incentives and establishing communication with public authorities
– establishing communication with financial organisations to find funding
providing analytical information upon request

Regions, in turn, should provide information on land plots and production facilities upon request, communicate with local businesses (in the context of finding partners and expanding operations), provide on-site support to investors (including investor visits), and share information with us about current opportunities in the region.

The webinar participants also got acquainted with the analytical information necessary for investment attraction, available investment incentives, terms of cooperation with existing and potential investors, as well as the practical results of UkraineInvest’s work during the full-scale military aggression against Ukraine. 

The participants were explained how investors choose a region. 
Thus, the prerequisites for involvement included an understanding of the region’s advantages, the availability of data on the region, and a willingness to provide support.

Understanding the advantages of the region includes
– access to neighbouring infrastructure,
– availability of land plots, 
– availability of the necessary engineering infrastructure, 
– availability of labour force, 
– availability of sectoral specialisation, 
– availability of potential business partners in the region, 
the ability to get English-language advice from the authorities.

In turn, the availability of data on the region includes a list of vacant land plots for industrial or other purposes (if such purpose can be quickly changed to industrial); information on operating companies in the region that can act as partners or suppliers for potential investors; information on institutions that can be useful to the investor at various stages of the project (e.g., consulting, legal, recruiting companies, business support institutions, business associations, etc.

The webinar was hosted by Stefan Khrystenko, Head of Legal and Regulatory Policy at UkraineInvest, and Maksym Bondarenko, Head of Investment Attraction and Support.

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