Joint transit mode and the national electronic transit system double their efficiency

Joint transit mode and the national electronic transit system double their efficiency

Joint transit mode and the national electronic transit system double their efficiency!

In April 2023, 1,372 relocations started in Ukraine were completed in the member countries of the Convention on the common transit procedure. This is almost twice as much as in March 2023. At the same time, such dynamics have been observed for 2 months in a row.

In 7 months there were 3,276 transfers from Ukraine in total.
Since the beginning of the international application of NCTS on October 1, 2022, 4,474,000 transit declarations have been issued, the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine reports.

During these 7 months of “customs visa-free” regime, goods were successfully delivered to the customs offices of destination in the customs territory of Ukraine on the basis of 1,198 joint transit declarations,. In April, 2023 number of such declarations reached up to 287.

Information about new opportunities for Ukraine with the accession to the Convention on the procedure of joint transit and use of the NCTS system is available at the website of the Ministry of Finance

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