The creative industries in Ukraine: grants from Netflix and state incentives

The creative industries in Ukraine: grants from Netflix and state incentives

Netflix, together with the Ukrainian Film Academy and the “House of Europe” program, are launching initiatives to support creative industries. This includes financial support, access to training and network of experts in the creative industry.

The program from Netflix and the Ukrainian Film Academy envisages 48 grants of $15,000 for the development of scripts for screenwriters and producers.

An initiative from Netflix and “House of Europe” envisages 100 grants for artists in the amount of €1,000.

In addition, Ukraine has the following tax and customs incentives for the development of creative industries:
•        VAT at the rate of 7% of transactions with:
– provision of services for conducting theatrical, opera, ballet, musical, concert, choreographic, puppet, circus, sound, light and other performances, productions, performances of – professional art groups, artistic groups, actors and artists (performers), cinematographic premieres, cultural and artistic events;
– provision of services for showing original musical works, demonstration of exhibition projects, conducting tours for groups and individual visitors in museums, zoos and nature reserves;
– provision of services for distribution, demonstration, public notification and public showcasing of films adapted in accordance with the legislation into Ukrainian-language versions for persons with visual impairments and persons with hearing impairments;
– provision of short-term accommodation services provided by hotels, resort hotels, luxury hotels, motels and similar means of temporary accommodation;
– sale of tickets for sports events at the all-Ukrainian and international levels;
•        temporary VAT exemption (until 2025) of operations related to supply of national films, supply of works and services for the production of national films, as well as supply of works and services for the production of an archival set of source materials of national films and films created on the territory of Ukraine, supply works and services for duplication of national films and foreign films, dubbed, voiced in the state language on the territory of Ukraine, as well as supply of works and services for dubbing, voicing in the state language of foreign films on the territory of Ukraine, supply of works and services for preservation and restoration of the national cinematographic heritage;
•        temporary exemption from VAT and customs duties (until 2023) of import operations of goods that are part of the national cinematographic heritage and goods intended for use in cinematographic activities.

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