Significant part of the Ukrainian business got back to work

Significant part of the Ukrainian business got back to work

Due to deregulation, tax cuts, 0% loans, and logistics assistance many businesses have returned to work.

The number of enterprises that have completely ceased operations accounts for a two fold decrease from 32% to 17%.

More than 215,000 companies have chosen the transition to a new tax system, according to which the rate is only 2%. This is more than 44 thousand legal entities and 173 thousand individual entrepreneurs.
Almost 6,000 businesses across the country took advantage of the 0% lending program, and the total amount of lending amounted to UAH 20.5 billion.

Ukrainian farmers received UAH 15.4 billion on a portfolio basis under the state guarantee program. The total amount of funds issued to them under all programs amounted to UAH 27 billion. These funds were granted to more than 10,000 farmers.

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