The U.S. suspends 232 duties on Ukrainian steel for one year

The U.S. suspends 232 duties on Ukrainian steel for one year

The United States will temporarily suspend the collection of 232 duties on #Ukrainian #steel for one year.

📌 According to the State Statistics Service, in 2021, the export of #ferrous#metals from Ukraine to the United States increased by 50.5% compared to the previous year, to $70.76 million, and ferrous metal products – 11 times, to $16.85 million. In total, these two accounted for 55.4% of all exports from Ukraine.

➖ Now, some of the producers started resuming their operations but with a limited capacity. Moreover, nearly 1/3 of Ukrainian steel capacities are located in Mariupol – Azovstal and Ilyich Iron and Steel Works. And now #Mariupol is one of the hottest points of the war.

➖ Following the #sanctions, U.S. exports to russia of categories of goods subject to new U.S. export licensing requirements decreased by 97% in value terms compared to the same period in 2021 (February 24-April 29), and total exports fell by about 79%.

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