71,000 tons of Ukrainian corn were exported from the port of Romania

71,000 tons of Ukrainian corn were exported from the port of Romania

In the #Romanian Black Sea port of #Constanta, the Unity N ship completed the loading of 71,000 tons of #Ukrainian #corn – for the first time since the start of the war.

🔸 Earlier this week, the operator completed the loading of about 35,000 tons of Ukrainian iron ore, and the second ship is expected to be loaded around May 15.

🔸 At present, about 80,000 tons of Ukrainian grain have been sent to Constanta. Another 80,000 tons are on the road.

🔸 #Ukraine and #Romania cooperate in expanding export corridors for Ukrainian goods. In particular, in order to increase transit capacity between Ukraine and Romania, opening the Dyakivtsi (Ukraine) – Racovăț (Romania) checkpoint should be considered as soon as possible and granting it the status of a freight checkpoint in the future.

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