Ukrenergo has launched a new high-voltage line during wartime

Ukrenergo has launched a new high-voltage line during wartime

NPC UKRENERGO has completed the construction and put into operation a line with a voltage class of 330 kV* in the western part of Ukraine. It became the first energy facility in the power system to be completed and put into operation by NPC Ukrenergo during the war.

According to company representatives, this line is an important element in improving the reliability of the power system in terms of synchronous work with ENTSO-E and the future expansion of export-import electricity supplies between Ukraine and Europe.

The new high-voltage line has already increased the reliability of the network and electricity supply to consumers in the western Ukraine. In particular, it meets the needs of gradually growing electricity consumption in the region. This is due to the relocation of business from the left-bank Ukraine to the western regions. Also, as of today, the new line together with the previously installed equipment significantly increases the reliability of food supply to consumers and industry throughout Chernivtsi region.

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