A great example of how innovations help to combat the COVID-19 pandemic

A great example of how innovations help to combat the COVID-19 pandemic

👏 We are proud to see how Lviv ІТ Cluster took the leadership in the fight against the Covid-19 pandemic in Ukraine, namely in Lviv and Lviv region, due to its initiative “United for Health”.

Among the tech solutions developed within the United for Health initiative are:

📍 Interactive map to detect COVID-19 outbursts in Lviv and the region developed jointly with N-iX

🌡“Temperaturka” chatbot for monitoring the general health conditions of the residents developed together with BotsCrew

📱 Viber bot for medical staff developed jointly with Chatbots.Studio

🌀 Safe Menu and EdPro Thermal Scanner solutions have been implemented as the result of the Hack the New World online hackathon.

The project raised over 💸 UAH 6 million with 41 companies of Lviv IT Cluster supporting it.

Read more about the challenges and the results of  the United for Health initiative 👉  https://itcluster.lviv.ua/en/4-misyatsi-proektu-united-health-vyklyky-ta-rezultaty/

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